Interviews, Autocorrection & Being Big in Peru: what’s new at Typewise?
September was another busy month at Typewise with lots going on both on the tech side, with numerous improvements and fixes completed, as well as the business, marketing and recruitment side. Here’s a summary of what we completed during September, and what’s coming up next on our roadmap:

September was another busy month at Typewise with lots going on both on the tech side, with numerous improvements and fixes completed, as well as the business, marketing and recruitment side. Here’s a summary of what we completed during September, and what’s coming up next on our roadmap:
As of October 2021 we have:
- Improved autocorrection accuracy
- Fixed cursor bug (cursor could move to wrong position after autocorrection on Android)
- Improved correction of compound words in German on Android
- Been featured in media outlets around the world including: Canadian TV, RPP, a major Peruvian publication, and a big Indian tech media outlet. You can also view our recently updated Typewise media highlights page
- Posted an article from our Chief AI engineer – George Roberts – about how Typewise autocorrect AI beats the competition
- Conducted several interviews as part of our new hiring plans to grow the Typewise team (take a look at our open job roles if you'd like to join a growing, ambitious deep tech company)
- Launched our new monthly newsletter

Coming next:
- Smart Auto-Capitalization, for example autocorrecting 'i' to 'I' or 'usa' to 'USA' etc
- Improved language detection accuracy on Android
- Enhanced autocorrection and word suggestions for dialects on Android (Typewise will be able to learn dialects which are very different from the main language, for example Swiss-German)
- Localization of app for Danish, Dutch and Swedish
- Launch our new autocorrect and text prediction API service
- Release news of our crowdfunding round