Boost productivity 2-3x
in customer service and salesTab

AI Writing Solution for Customer Service and Sales teams.

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Communicate faster & more effectively

Typewise helps customer service and sales teams save cost, decrease response and resolution times, and increase customer satisfaction.


efficiency gains


saved per agent / per month


mistakes caught

Features & benefits

Text prediction

Auto-completion of entire sentences and paragraphs in real-time.

Magic reply

Auto-generated email and chat responses based on context.

Autocorrect & grammar check

Instant correction of mistakes.

Custom AI language model

Adapted to your vocabulary, tone of voice, etc.

Quality control & analytics

Dashboard with quality and perfor-mance metrics.


Support for 40+ languages.

Solutions for every enterprise

Emails & tickets

Handle high ticket volumes efficiently and improve quality standards.

Live chat

Deliver instant and accurate replies to live chat conversations.

Call documentation

Reduce administrative efforts on call and meeting documentation.

Works with your CRM

Our browser-based plugin integrates with your CRM system with zero development effort, compatible with Salesforce, ServiceNow, MS Dynamics, etc.
Saas or
on Premises

100% data privacy & security

GDPR compliant, Swiss made, SaaS and On premises available.

We were able to write a success story in a very short time. Efficiency has been increased by over 25%.

Roman Rothenfluh
Senior Project Manager, DPD (Schweiz) AG
Backed by

What are you waiting for?

  • Zero-risk pilot
  • No IT integration required / very short setup time
  • Full data privacy & security
  • 3-4X ROI delivered